Guide to Early-Year Vegetable and Herb Sowing

The beginning of the year is the perfect time to start sowing seeds, whether indoors or directly in the ground, depending on the climate. Here are the vegetables and herbs you can plant now for a great harvest in the coming months.

What to Sow Indoors (In a Greenhouse or Heated Space)

Some plants require warmth to germinate properly. Indoor sowing ensures strong seedlings ready for transplanting later.

Tomatoes – Germinate best at 18-20°C; transplant outdoors in May.
Peppers & Chilies – Slow-growing, sow early for a good harvest.
Eggplants – Need warmth, ideal for greenhouses or indoor sowing.
Basil – Thrives in heat; best started in pots before moving outdoors.

What to Sow Directly in the Ground (If the Climate Allows)

If temperatures remain mild, some vegetables can be sown directly outdoors.

Radishes – Fast-growing and ideal for beginner gardeners.
Spinach – Cold-resistant and can be sown in staggered intervals.
Early Carrots – May need fleece protection in case of frost.
Broad Beans & Peas – Prefer cool early-season temperatures.

Starting your sowing early in the year helps optimize the growth of your vegetables and ensures strong plants for spring. Adjust your sowing schedule according to your region and protect young sprouts from sudden temperature drops.

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