
Grow Your Own Olive Orchard At home

There is nothing better than olive trees to make your garden greener and more colorful. Get your crop of olives with just a few tips.

If you are familiar with our articles, you would know that we won’t proceed with tips before we feed enough knowledge about any fruit or vegetable. We know you require some convincing, and convince you we shall.

Olive oil can:

– Lower cholesterol levels thanks to monosaturated and polyunsaturated fats

– Keep your brain healthy by reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease

– Improve skin health and reduces inflammation

– Promotes digestive health by stimulating the production of digestive enzymes

I- Preparing the seed :

Olive fruit collection can vary based on climate, purpose, and growing conditions, but as a rule of thumb, it usually occurs in late fall or early winter if you are seeking table olives as opposed to olive oil fruit collection that occurs in mid to late Autumn

Once you have collected some ripe olives from the tree, here is what you need to do.

– Soak the olives in a basin of water overnight

– Stir them every three hours

– Floating fruit is bad, get rid of it

– Separate the pits from the pulp and clean them well

– soak the pit in water for 2 days straight to soften it

– let the pit dry in a warm area for a few days more

II- Time to germinate :

It’s time to move on to the next step.

– Prepare the spot at which you will plant the seed

– make sure the container is at least 8–10 inches deep

– plant your olive pits and make sure the pointy end faces down

– cover the pit with at least 1 inch of soil

III- Keep the baby tree happy! :

Overall, olive trees are low maintenance, but they still require some regular attention and care to thrive. Here are a few tips that will help you keep your tree happy and satisfied.

– Water it moderately and deeply (once a week when it is growing and less often in winter time)

– Expose it to the sun as olive trees need at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day, though note that excessive exposure can have opposite effects on your trees

– some occasional fertilization wouldn’t hurt either. Just apply fruit trees fertilizer once in spring and again in summer

– You can enclose the pots in plastic bags for a better greenhouse effect

– Test the soil moisture with your finger

IV- Introduce it to your garden :

After all this time, the tree is ready to be transplanted. Normally, the best time to transplant an olive tree would be late winter or early spring. That will allow the tree to grow roots before the arrival of hot weather.

– choose a suitable spot where your tree would be exposed to sunlight

– Dig a hole twice as wide as the root ball and mix the soil with natural compost

– Using a shovel, dig up the tree and move it to its new spot

– Water the tree regularly after transplanting as it needs to grow roots in the new spot

V- How to prune your olive tree :

Nothing left for you to do but prune the tree from time to time, but before you do that, read this.

– If you want to prune your tree, then that must be done either in late winter or early spring

– Don’t forget to remove all the damaged or dead branches to allow for more exposure to sunlight

– If you notice any crowded branches, make sure you remove them to let air circulate around and within the tree

– Once you’re done pruning, dispose of all the debris because if left on the ground, it can attract your tree’s arch-enemy; pests!

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Published by
Jack Newman