Growing Lavender from Cuttings in 5 Easy Steps

Unlock the secrets of growing lavender from cuttings with these five easy steps that promise a rewarding and successful experience.

Lavender, a member of the Lavandula genus, is a well-known Mediterranean plant. Lavender is valued for aromatherapy, medical purposes, and as an appealing addition to gardens and landscapes because of its pleasant scent, relaxing effects, and decorative attractiveness.

Its thin stems support greyish-green, lance-shaped leaves and bear spikes of tiny, tubular flowers in purple, blue, pink, or white. The relaxing aroma of lavender makes it popular in essential oils and healthcare items, while its drought tolerance and ease of growth make it a favorite among gardeners for rock gardens, borders, and pots.

Cultivating lavender is relatively straightforward, making it a favorite among gardeners. It thrives in well-draining soil, requires plenty of sunlight, and is generally drought-tolerant once established.

I-Propagating Lavender

– This technique is simple and easy to do, and it grants you significant results.

– First, you need to use a sharp and sterilized knife and cut a 4-inch stem below the lead node. Make sure the branch you are cutting is not flowering.

– In a rooting hormone, dip one of the stem’s ends.

– Fill a pot with nutrient rich soil and plant the cutting in it, make sure to put the end which soaked in the rooting hormone downward in the soil.

– In case you live in a cold climate, it is advised to cover the pot with cling film.

– Remember to water the cutting regularly and to place it in a well-lit spot.

II-Favorable Conditions

Following the above steps is not enough to succeed your lavender propagation, you need to provide the cutting with few favorable conditions to promote a healthier and faster growth.

– The best season to have successful cuttings is during spring.

– The branch you are taking the cutting from needs to be a semi-hardwood.

– The soil needs to be protected from cold as its temperature needs to be below 25° C, hence it is advised to cover the pot with a cling film.

– Avoid overwatering, it may rotten the roots, instead use a spray bottle and mist the cutting regularly.

– Never underestimate the power of sunlight to help your cutting thrive. Make sure to place it in a bright spot.

Now you know that growing lavender is not as hard and complicated as you used to think.

You only need to focus on simple details and your plant will be flourishing within a few months.

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Published by
Stacey Smith