
Facial Hair Removal : 4 Natural Tips for Successful And Pain-Free

Looking for a pain-free and affordable method to remove your facial hair? Look no further. You have hit the jackpot.

Facial hair removal is a common practice for both men and women and for a variety of reasons that include aesthetics, hygiene, gender expression, or perhaps medical reasons too. No matter the reasons, you still suffer in the process, which is why we’re here.

I- Waxing with eggs :

This will sound stranger to you until you try it.

-In a container, mix an egg white with a little sugar and flour until you get a paste

-Apply to the hairy areas

-place a cotton strip on top of the wax and press it down

-now quickly pull off the cotton strip

-rinse off the wax residue with warm water

II- Facial Hair removal with flour :

It is also possible to make a natural facial hair removal paste using flour. Intrigued already?

-Mix chickpea or wheat flour with a little turmeric.

-Make a paste by gradually adding water

-Apply the product to your face or lips in the direction of hair growth

-Remove as soon as the paste is dry enough and in the opposite direction

-as usual, rinse the wax residue with warm water

III- Honey-based Wax :

Honey is definitely a better DIY hair removal wax ingredient over sugar as with Honey, hair removal is gentler and hence pain-free. Furthermore, honey has antibacterial properties that will help reduce any risk of infection.

– Mix honey and lemon juice together in a bowl

– Heat the mixture and keep stirring until the mixture becomes consistent

– Let it cool down for a while

– Apply the mixture to the area of skin you want to remove hair from

– Now place a cotton strip on top of it

– Quickly Pull off the cotton strip

– Repeat the process until all the unwanted hair is gone.

IV- Hair removal with milk :

This may be the first time you’ve heard of such a thing. We all know the benefits of milk for the skin, but that doesn’t mean it can remove facial hair! What if we tell you that IT CAN? Just keep reading and be amazed.

-Mix turmeric with milk or yogurt to make a paste

-Spread it on the skin (in the direction of hair growth)

-Let it dry for about 30 minutes

-gently rub the paste to loosen the facial hair

-Rinse off with warm water

We can go on and on about the weirdest yet most effective ways to remove unwanted facial hair, as this is only the tip of the iceberg. We tried to narrow it down and go for the best methods that are considered the gentlest, less painful and harsh on your skin. Try some of them and let us know what you think!

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Published by
Jack Newman